Any physical or legal person may particapte in the auction. By registering, the user confirms and agrees to the terms and condition of the auction.
We do not trade - we sell!
Clartey's is a real estate and vehicle online auction website that brings together the best auction items in Latvia. We give anyone a possibility to quickly sell their vehicle and real estate.
Our team consists of professional specialists with extensive experience in vehicle and real estate sales.
Any physical or legal person may particapte in the auction. By registering, the user confirms and agrees to the terms and condition of the auction.
Find the desire item on the Clartey's auction website and register your participation in the auction
If at the closure of this auction you have offered the highest price for the auction item, you have won the auction. The owner of the auction item makes a decision on the sale of the item of your bid price within 3 business days after the auction closure.
Upon receiving owner's consent to the transaction, you will receive an invoice for the security deposit. Once the security deposit is paid you will be able to enter into the transaction with owner of the auction item. The purchase transaction can be financed by the support of banks or other creditors.
To auction your vehicle or real estate, enter into an agreement with Clartey's
Clartey’s displays your item to be auctioned on its website. Potential buyers make their bids, thus setting the highest price for the item.
After the closure of the auction, you will receive information about its results. Within three days you have to decide whether to sell the item to the customer at the offered price or not.
If you accept the amount offered in the auction, the bidder will have to pay a security deposit. Once it is paid, you will be able to complete the transaction.
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